
Fallout new vegas weapons locations
Fallout new vegas weapons locations

If a savegame is loaded with the weapon drawn, the reloading animation can be twice as long.

fallout new vegas weapons locations

  • PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 The standard double length animation bug affects the weapon.
  • PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 You can obtain two of the revolvers by stealing the weapon from the Lonesome Drifter and then later doing a barter check of 50 during the quest Talent Pool.
  • PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 The tune can occasionally play two times when the weapon is drawn in first person.
  • The Drifter will keep the Magnum if he moves to The Tops and it can be procured there freely. The player can procure it by stealing, killing, or passing a Barter check (50 required) while hiring the Drifter as part of the Talent Pool quest.

    fallout new vegas weapons locations

    He is found east of El Dorado dry lake and north of the El Dorado Gas & Service, near a Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard. Like the original, it's one of the improved holdout weapons, which can be brought into restricted areas with 50 or more Sneak. 44 magnum revolver with a much higher rate of fire, damage, and durability than the standard model. Whenever someone uses this beautiful weapon, a mysterious tune can be heard in the background.Ī unique. It features a polished silver frame decorated with floral engravings and a mother of pearl grip. The Mysterious Magnum has been heavily customized and tuned to offer excellent performance and remain aesthetically pleasing. By default, the revolvers come with tritium illuminated sights. Multiple models remain available and quite popular in the wastelands, from the shortened 4 1/2 inch variant to the full size, high end monsters with scopes. This large frame revolver offers excellent accuracy, firepower, and reliability. 44 Magnum cartridge, manufactured since 1955. The Smith & Wesson Model 29 is a six-shot, double-action revolver chambered for the.

    fallout new vegas weapons locations fallout new vegas weapons locations

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    Fallout new vegas weapons locations